Ecclesmachan News Page
Date | Subject |
7 February 2025. | West Lothian History and Amenity Society Talk |
The power that changed the world.
The next talk to the West Lothian History and Amenity Society takes place on Wednesday 19 February at 7.30pm, in Ecclesmachan
Village Hall, Byburn, Ecclesmachan, EH52 6NG.
At this meeting the topic will be the power that truly changed the world,
and how it had its beginnings right here in West Lothian. We’ll be hearing about James Watt’s steam engine – was it really
invented and pioneered in West Lothian?
The friendship and business partnership that developed between Dr John Roebuck at Kinneil and the young engineer that he
brought in to solve the problem of flooding in the mines, had its ups and downs, but led eventually to James Watt’s great
success and Roebuck’s bankruptcy. It’s a tale of visionary enterprise, industrial espionage, personal setbacks and failures,
but also progress in developing one of the greatest Scottish inventions.
The talk will be given by Ian Shearer of the Friends of Kinneil.
All are welcome; non members by donation.
| Cottage at Kinneil where Watt worked on developing steam power
- Click to open image in new tab |
Date | Subject |
8 September 2024. | West Lothian History and Amenity Society Talk |
Malicious Mischief: Women’s Suffrage in Scotland.
The next talk to the West Lothian History and Amenity Society takes place on Wednesday 18 September at 7.30pm, in Ecclesmachan
Village Hall, Byburn, Ecclesmachan, EH52 6NG.
(view poster here)
The 2024-25 session begins with a talk on: ‘Malicious Mischief: Women’s Suffrage in Scotland’, to be given by Jocelyn Grant,
one of the archivists at the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh.
Come along and hear about Suffragettes and Suffragists; and the long campaign (active in Scotland too), culminating in the
violent activities in the years before the First World War, which gained great publicity but perhaps did not directly gain women the vote.
Being the first meeting of the session, the talk will be followed by tea, coffee and home baking which we’ll hope you’ll stay and enjoy.
Non-members welcome by donation.
Date | Subject |
12 February 2024. | West Lothian History and Amenity Society Talk |
Recording Scotland's closing churches: a race against time.
The next talk to the West Lothian History and Amenity Society takes place on Wednesday 21 February at 7.30pm, in Ecclesmachan
Village Hall, Byburn, Ecclesmachan, EH52 6NG.
(view poster here)
The speaker is Dr DJ Johnston-Smith, director of the Scotland's Churches Trust, and his subject is the attempt to record all the Scottish
churches that will be closing in the next two or three years - some three or four hundred of them, including Ecclesmachan Kirk. Their
architecture and exterior appearance are generally fairly well recorded, but their contents have rarely been inventoried. Yet they contain
wonderful memorials, stained glass windows, organs, communion silver, and commemorative and ceremonial items, which will all need to be
found new homes or otherwise disposed of, when these churches close. The project aims to recruit volunteers to record these objects,
many of them valuable and historic. Come along and hear about the race to record these churches’ treasures, before they close for good.
All are welcome to attend.
Date | Subject |
03 March 2023. | West Lothian History and Amenity Society Talk |
The March talk at the West Lothian History and Amenity Society is on local woman, Isobel Wylie Hutchison (1889-1982),
a writer, botanist, film-maker, Arctic traveller and poet. She grew up at the mansionhouse of Carlowrie near Kirkliston
(picture here),
studied botany and horticulture, spoke seven languages, and enjoyed long walks –100 miles or more!
She began to travel – walked round Iceland on her own, then steadily grew more and more ambitious and adventurous, going to Greenland,
Alaska, and the Far East. She travelled alone and was remarkably adaptable, able to withstand rough conditions and very cold temperatures.
She studied and filmed the way of life of the indigenous people, the botany and wildlife, and sent back botanical studies samples to Kew
Gardens, the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and other learned societies. She published a number of books and many articles, and
during the Second World War, was a regular speaker on the BBC.
The speaker is Jo Woolf, writer-in-residence at the Royal Scottish Geographical Society since 2015, and the meeting is at
the Village Hall in Ecclesmachan on Wednesday 15 March at 7.30pm. All welcome – visitors’ admission free.
Date | Subject |
06 November 2022. | Remembrance Service St. Machan Church |
A remembrance service will be held in the church at Ecclesmachan on Friday 11th November at 10:30am.
Everyone is welcome to attend to hear some of the stories told by Mrs Cavanagh about the names on the war memorials in the
Ecclesmachan Church and in the Village Hall, then take part in a short service and act of remembrance.
Date | Subject |
03 November 2022. | Proposals for a Solar Energy Park at Threemiletown |
A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) has been submitted to West Lothian Council to start a formal consultation
process on the plans for a Solar Energy Park prior to a possible future planning application. As such a public exhibition event
will be taking place at the Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown Village Hall on Thursday 10 November 12 noon to 2pm and 6pm to 8pm.
A new website containing some information, plans and images has just gone live, you can visit the site using
this link.
Date | Subject |
08 September 2022. | West Lothian History and Amenity Society New Session |
The first talk of the new session at the West Lothian History and Amenity Society is on
‘The Battle of Dunnichen and the Making of Scotland’, and it will be given by an expert on the subject,
the well-known lecturer, Graeme Cruickshank. His talk will look not just at the battle (AD 685),
but at its significance for the development of Scotland as a nation.
The talk takes place at the Village Hall in Ecclesmachan, on Wednesday 21st September, at 7.30pm.
The talk will be followed by tea, coffee, scones and cakes. Come along and feed both body and mind!
All welcome – come along, and if you’d like to join the society, you can do so at the end of the meeting.
Date | Subject |
22 May 2022. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Council Newsletter |
The Community Council has just produced its latest newsletter. It covers news of traffic, local paths
including an update on the proposed multi-use path between the two villages, village flower displays,
Edinburgh Airport's airspace change programme, the Council's "report it" service.
This newsletter, the eighth in the series, was printed in full colour and hand-delivered to every household in
the area. You can download an e-copy of this newsletter
here as a PDF format file. This file contains "hot links" to futher information on various web sites.
Date | Subject |
28 March 2020. | Local Support During Coronavirus Lock-down |
These are difficult times we are living in and the Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community
Council and Village Hall Management Committee are here to help those self-isolating and are in need of help.
They are currently working on a scheme to provide support for the elderly and "at-risk" residents in the
villages, more details will be added as soon as they are up and running. Note added 30th March - new local support
page is now live.
Date | Subject |
04 November 2019. | Dedication Service in Ecclesmachan Church |
There will be a dedication to the wreaths service held in Ecclesmachan Church on Saturday 9th
November at 11am, the Church will be open from 10:45am.
Date | Subject |
15 May 2018. | Update on Community Flower Project |
In November 2017 students and lecturers from Oatridge College and the West Lothian
Community Payback Team planted 14,500 bulbs in Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown as part of a Community
Council project. The results of this work have provided a brilliant and colourful display of late
spring/early summer flowers in various locations throughout the villages, so well done to all involved.
The Community Council have recently agreed a sponsorship agreement with local award winning nursery
Wyndford Farm Plants. Three of the areas of ground planting which have been previously planted out
with bedding plants will now be reworked and maintained by Wyndford staff. The various containers
and tyres will continue to be looked after by local volunteers supported by the Community Council.
Below you will find thumbnail images of photographs taken today, if you click
on the thumbnail a new window will open and the image will load into it. |
Binny Park, Ecclesmachan |
Threemiletown Junction |
Village Hall planters |
Village Hall car park |
Date | Subject |
20 March 2018. | Edinburgh Airport Noise Action Plan Consultation |
Edinburgh Airport are preparing their five year Noise Action Plan, this will cover the period
2018-2023. You can read the Draft Hoise Action Plan and other related documents
There is an opportunity to submit comments about the plan and about airport noise in general. This can be done online
or by downloading a copy of the response form for completion and submission by post. Comments must be received by
2nd April 2018.
Date | Subject |
2 March 2018. | B8046 Closed by Snow |
The B8046 between Uphall and Ecclesmachan has been closed on and off for the past few days due
to snowdrifts across the road. A JCB was busy today clearing the road and by late afternoon both sides were clear
again for traffic, however the carriageway is narrow and there is NO footpath access.
Below you will find thumbnail images of photographs taken today, if you click
on the thumbnail a new window will open and the image will load into it. |
Road closed at Uphall |
Single file for now |
Date | Subject |
10 Nov 2017. | Temporary Road Closure |
There will be a temporary road closure next week at the entrance to the village from the B8046 junctiom to Wellpark on Byburn.
The temporary road closure is effective from Monday 13 November until Friday 17 November, road plates will be available
on site for local traffic but delays should be expected.
This temporary closure is to allow access for contractors installing superfact broadband apparatus, a copy of the plan can
be downloaded here:-
Date | Subject |
10 Oct 2017. | Community Flower Project |
After two years of planning and trials the Community Council, working in conjunction with Oatridge
College and the West Lothian Community Payback Team, bulb planting will go ahead this Autumn in Ecclesmachan and
Threemiletown. There will be a total of 14,150 bulbs planted in a mix of Anemone, Double Head Narcissi and Traditional
Bluebells to give a display from the end of March through to the end of May (before roadside verge trimming commences).
The Community Council will be planting Winter/Spring flowers again this year in the various planters and tyres
situated around Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown. They'd like some help from the local community again, so if you're available
to assist please come along. Meet outside the Ecclesmachan village hall on Saturday 21st Oct. at 12 noon, or the B8046/B9080
junction, Threemiletown on Sunday 22nd. Oct. at 12 noon, please bring gloves and a small planting trowel
(both weather dependant).
Date | Subject |
27 May 2017. | Community Flower Planting |
The Community Council will be planting summer flowers again this year in the various planters and tyres
situated around Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown. They'd like some help from the local community again, so if you're available
to assist please come along. Meet outside the Ecclesmachan village hall on Saturday 3rd June at 12 noon, or the B8046/B9080
junction, Threemiletown on Sunday 4th June at 12 noon, please bring gloves and a small planting trowel.
Date | Subject |
18 March 2017. | Ecclesmachan Play Area Upgrade |
West Lothian Council in conjuction with KOMPAN will soon be refurbishing the play area at Byburn and
they are keen to hear your views for consideration in the process. If you would like to take part in the community
consultation exercise, please complete the online questionnaire which you can find
Date | Subject |
4 March 2017. | Second Edinburgh Airport Consultation "Drop-In" Event |
Edinburgh Airport have now started the second phase of their public consultation regarding flight path
changes, the deadline for responding to this is 30th April 2017. A copy of the consultation document can be downloaded
To assist you to find out more about the proposed changes we have organised a “drop-in” session in the Ecclesmachan
and Threemiletown Village Hall (EH52 6NG) where Airport staff will be present with a display of information and should
be able to answer any questions you may have. There will also be a quantity of printed questionnaires available for
those who prefer to submit a response in writing. Members of the local Community Council will also be present during
this event to assist if required.
This drop-in session has been arranged from 10am until 1pm on Saturday 11th March
in the Village Hall at Ecclesmachan, all residents of Bridgend, Dechmont, Ecclesmachan, Threemiletown and Philpstoun
are invited. Please do make the effort to come along at a time that suits you during this period.
Date | Subject |
7 December 2016. | Crime Prevention advice from Police Scotland |
Police Scotland have asked us to make an information sheet on crime prevention at home available
on this site. It contains some straightforward advice, details on how register details of any valuables in your home
and contact details for local support.
You can download a copy of the advice sheet
here as a PDF format file.
Date | Subject |
31 July 2016. | Edinburgh Airport Consultation "Drop-In" Event |
Following the recent trials of alternative departure routes (one of which was halted early due to
the volume of complaints from West Lothian residents), the airport have decided that they now
want to seek approval from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to make permanent changes to
departure routes. One potential (and likely) outcome of this would be aircraft flying overhead
us at a fairly low altitude and at high engine trust using a new (proposed) airport departure
To understand and find more detail about potential effects of the proposals you are best
to read through the stage 1 consultation document before answering the one particular
question they are asking - “What local factors should be taken into account when determining
the position of the route within the design envelope given the potential impacts, and why?”
The consultation document (84 pages) is available online:-
To assist residents of Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown find out more about the proposed changes the Community Council
have organised a “drop-in” session in the Village Hall where Airport staff will be present with a display of information
and should be able to answer any questions about the proposals. Members of the Community Council
will also be present during this event to assist if required. This drop-in session has been arranged
from 4pm until 8pm on Thursday 11th August in our Village Hall, please do make
the effort to come along at a time that suits you during this period.
Date | Subject |
14 February 2016. | Edinburgh Airport Trial Route Findings Report |
Edinburgh Airport have now published their trial route (TUTUR) findings report.
The report is available online and the page provides a mechanism if you’d like to provide comment to the airport at
which you can visit by clicking here:-
Date | Subject |
30 January 2016. | Ecclesmachan to Threemiletown Active Travel Route |
Following a community-wide survey conducted in 2013 the Community Council recently commissioned a
feasibility study to establish if a multi-use path could be created to provide a safe active travel route between
the two villages. The full scoping report was carried out by Central Scotland Green Network Trust and has just been
You can download a full copy of the report
here as a PDF format file.
Date | Subject |
26 December 2015. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Council Newsletter |
The Community Council has just produced its latest newsletter. It covers news of The Local Development
Plan, Local Paths Projects including an update on the feasibility study for a proposed multi-use path between the two villages,
Village flower planting project, High Speed Broadband rollout, Play Park upgrades and updated Events Information.
This newsletter, the seventh in the series, was printed in full colour and hand-delivered to every household in
the area. You can download an e-copy of this newsletter
here as a PDF format file. This file contains "hot links" to futher information on the development plan
available from the West Lothian Council web site.
Date | Subject |
28 September 2015. | Local History on Display at St. Machan Church |
Ecclesmachan Church and the West Lothian Local History Library have been collaborating on a display about the
history of Ecclesmachan. This is currently on display in the church, and they have announced that they are holding an open
afternoon on Sunday 18 October 2015 so that people can come and see it. The church will be open 2-4pm on the 18th October,
and there will be free teas and coffees available.
Date | Subject |
5 August 2015. | Edinburgh Airport New Route Trial |
updated 3 September | |
If you've been wondering why there's been an increase in aircraft noise in the area recently it's
due to a new westerly take off route being trialled at Edinburgh Airport. You can read more about this trial at a web
site created by the airport at the following location
which you can visit by clicking here:-
Should you have specific noise complaints or believe that an aircraft isn’t following the correct procedure then
Edinburgh airport operates a dedicated noise enquiry line 24/7 which can be called on 0800 731 3397.
All callers will be asked to leave their name and contact information, along with details of the date and time of
any disturbance. All calls are recorded and complaints investigated. Callers will be provided with either an answer to their
enquiry or will be told how long they can expect to wait for a full response. It is advised that if you experience more
than one event of concern you should call this number each time to report.
Broxburn Community Council are providing an easy to use on-line complaint form for residents in the area to use to
lodge a specific aircraft complaint to Edinburgh Airport. The information in the form will be automatically
transmitted to Edinburgh Airport on your behalf, Edinburgh Airport should then log the complaint and respond
directly to you. You can access this form at
If you do make a complaint and you do not get a timely response or you feel the response does not resolve your specific
complaint then you can contact one of your local councillors, elected MP or MSP and ask them to look into the matter
further on your behalf.
There is also an online petition at to stop the trial which can be accessed
Date | Subject |
4 August 2015. | St. Machan Church Open Day |
Our local church has announced that they will be opening their doors to visitors
on Saturday 12 September 2015 (10:30am until Noon and 2:00pm until 4:00pm) and Sunday 13 September 2015
(2:00pm until 4:00pm). Information leaflets and refreshments will be available.
Date | Subject |
9 July 2014. | Street Lighting Works In Ecclesmachan |
All street lighting in Ecclesmachan will be replaced with new posts and light units,
the work is scheduled to commence around 14th July and will last approximately 8 weeks. The replacement lamps
will all be white light but only the units in Byburn will use LED technology.
The Council appointed contractor is Glen Maree Contracts Ltd. and in the event of any major issues or concerns
during the works you are advised to contact them direct on 07801 847005.
Date | Subject |
7 June 2014. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Gala Day 2014 |
This years event was held on Saturday 7th June and started at the Village Hall, when everyone had
assembled a local piper led the procession up to the College grounds. As poor weather had been predicted the Gala Day
was actually held indoors at the College Sports Hall. So despite the rain, the Gala committee made everything run
like clockwork as usual and everyone had a fun day.
Below you will find thumbnail images from a selection of photographs taken on the day, if you click
on the thumbnail a new window will open and the image will load into it. |
Combined Tug of War #1
- taking the strain |
Combined Tug of War #1
The girls won |
Combined Tug of War #2
- taking the strain again |
Combined Tug of War #2
The girls won again |
Date | Subject |
3 June 2014. | Feasibility Study for Mixed-use Path - Ecclesmachan to Threemiletown |
The Community Council have commissioned a Feasibility Study to look into the possibility of creating
a mixed-use path between Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown alongside the B8046. The design of the proposed path will include
a tarmac surface constructed to suit walking, cycling and horse riding.
As part of this study the Community Council are conducting a consultation with residents, road users and any other interested
party. We have made this questionnaire available to download
here as a PDF format file.
If you wish your views
to be included in a report being prepared by the Community Council, complete a hard copy and drop it in the Village
Hall letter box, or post it to Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Council, c/o The Village Hall, Byburn,
Ecclesmachan, BROXBURN, EH52 6NG. Submitted forms will be treated in confidence with the results
presented in statistical format only, please note all forms must be received by Friday 27th June 2014.
Date | Subject |
9 June 2012. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Gala Day 2012 |
This years event was held on Saturday 2nd June and started at the Village Hall, when everyone had
assembled a local piper led the procession up to the playing field. Despite it being very chilly it did remain dry during
the day and all the events took place as scheduled. As ever the Gala committee made everything run like clockwork and everyone
had a fun day.
Below you will find thumbnail images from a selection of photographs taken on the day, if you click
on the thumbnail a new window will open and the image will load into it. |
The mens race was fought hard
but Mr P Cairns got there first |
Combined Tug of War #1
(the guys won). |
Combined Tug of War #2
(the guys won again!). |
Date | Subject |
14 May 2012. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Council Newsletter |
The Community Council has just produced its latest newsletter. It covers news of The Local Development
Plan and Landowners Development Ideas, Update on Traffic & Pedestrian Safety, Local Paths Projects, Village Hall, the
Olympic Flame Visiting Broxburn, Oatridge College Community Projects, L&B Police Surgeries and Updated Events Information.
This newsletter, the sixth in the series, was printed in full colour and was hand-delivered to every household in
the area. You can download an e-copy of this newsletter
here as a PDF format file. This file does contain "hot links" to view some of the development plan submissions
that are available from the West Lothian Council web site.
We have also made a questionnaire available to download
here as a PDF format file.
If you wish your views
to be included in a report being prepared by the Community Council, complete a hard copy and drop it in the Village
Hall letter box, or post it to Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Council, c/o The Village Hall, Byburn,
Ecclesmachan, BROXBURN, EH52 6NG. Submitted forms will be treated in confidence with the results
presented in statistical format only, please note all forms must be received by Friday 25th May 2012.
Date | Subject |
02 April 2012. | Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Update |
Following a path set by the public Road Traffic & Safety meeting held in April 2006, the Community
Council has continued to campaign for safer roads and pavements for all in and around our villages. Since
the meeting in 2006 the Community Council have held regular update meetings with West Lothian Council Officers,
not only to monitor progress with the various requests, but to make comment on more recent events affecting the
B8046 & B9080.
As part of this process, prior to one of the update meetings, a full survey of all traffic safety signs and
pavements was conducted and any issues found were entered into the ongoing discussion. These ranged from
accident hotspots to holes in pavements, residents may have noticed some recent activity / changes and...
there’s more in the pipeline.
here to read the latest revision of the full report. |
Date | Subject |
18 March 2012. | Community Orchard Update |
8 students and 2 members of staff from the college were joined by 12 local residents to
help plant apple trees that will become the Oatridge, Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Orchard.
Click on the thumbnail picture below & a new window will open with a larger image.
25 trees of 6 different types were planted – all old Scottish Varieties – Bloody Ploughman, James Grieve,
Galloway Pippin, White Melrose, Tower of Glamis and Scotch Bridget. The students & staff also planted approx 10 metres
of native hedgerow (just another 50 metres to go!). Another event is planned for 2pm on Sunday 27th May,
where training will be given on how to prune and feed the trees to encourage healthy growth.
Date | Subject |
10 March 2012. | Community Orchard |
Oatridge College are inviting local residents to join them on Sunday 18th March to help
plant apple trees that will become the Oatridge, Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Orchard.
The event will start at 2pm and is likely to last a couple of hours. Please remember to wear suitable clothing as
the area will become very muddy! Tea, coffee and apple pies will be provided.
If you would like to attend, please follow the signs from the main car park or, if you intend to walk, follow the
signs on the main drive.
Date | Subject |
10 September 2011. | B8046 Road Closure |
Part of the B8046 Uphall to Threemiletown road will be completely closed for upgrades to the surface.
This closure is set for Monday 26th September until Friday 14th October, although we are assured that if the weather
is reasonably good, the work will be completed and the road re-opened before the 14th October.
The section that will be completely closed is from Hillside Cottage at the north side 30mph signs in Ecclesmachan
(bottom of Tar Hill), to the juction with the C19 road to Faucheldean (about 200mtrs north from the top of Tar Hill).
The actual works taking place are to patch and resurface the existing carriageway, apply new anti-skid surface, new
road markings and new cats eyes.
Date | Subject |
7 July 2011. | Village Hall Renovation |
The Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Village Hall is currently closed for some major renovation work, this includes roof repairs,
window repairs, a completely new internal lighting system, a complete toilet refit and then painting from top to bottom...
outside and inside.
Whilst some inconvenience may be caused in the short term, the result will see the village hall transformed and refreshed
ready for use again by the end of the month. We will shortly add a new set of pages to this website with pictures of the
refurbished hall, details of its resources and how it can be accessed for community or private group functions.
Date | Subject |
25 June 2011. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Gala Day |
This years event started at the Village Hall, when everyone had assembled a local piper led the
procession up to the playing field. Despite a few showers during the day all the events took place as scheduled,
the Gala committee made everything run like clockwork and everyone had a fun day.
Below you will find thumbnail images from a selection of photographs taken on the day, if you click
on the thumbnail a new window will open and the image will load into it. |
The procession makes its way to the playing field. |
Everyone is ready to start the days events. |
The mens race was fiercely fought. |
Nicholas Schellenberg wins the mens race. |
The girls beat the boys in the tug-of-war. |
But the men beat the ladies. |
Winners of the "Guess the Sweets in the jar" competition. |
They win the sweets and a horse show voucher. |
Date | Subject |
16 April 2011. | Gate Stolen from Local Footpath at Longmuir near Ecclesmachan |
Less than 4 weeks after the official launch of a path improvement project lasting over three years,
a new special stock-proof gate was stolen and its securing posts were destroyed in the process.
Discovered on Wednesday 13th April the gate, which separated the path from the adjacent road had been cut out using
a power driven saw. This gate is very distinctive and specialised – only made by Centrewire Ltd. and designed
for use on public paths where livestock protection is part of the design.
A Community Council spokesperson said: “I can’t believe someone wanted this for their garden and it
certainly seems a lot of effort for such a small amount of wood or metal.” They also said, “Funding of around
£1000 will now have to be sought for a replacement as the grant for the original work has been completed – we
need to protect the livestock in the fields adjacent to the path and avoid a potential accident on this road.”
The project, created and managed by the Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown Community Council, was funded by Awards
for All lottery funding and The West Lothian Council LEADER programme and took over 3 years to plan and execute.
It involved the co-operation of three local landowners including Oatridge College and technical assistance from
Paths for All.
Work on the four paths, some 8.5km long in total, included drainage work, a new bridge, new fencing, new stone-pitched
steps and new stock-proof gates. Tasks so vast and diverse that a specialist local contractor was appointed to carry
out most of the work. You can see more detail about the project using the Local Paths link at the top of this page.
If you can give any information on the stolen gate and damage that took place at the side of the Dechmont to
Linlithgow road, please contact Lothian and Borders Police at Broxburn Police Station on 01506 852121 quoting
incident number 0750/14042011 or use the contact link at the top of this page. |
| |
 As installed |
 After theft |
| |
 Detail of the actual gate |
Date | Subject |
30 October 2010. | Local Paths Improvement Project |
After years of deterioration on the paths / local walks around the local landmark of Binny Craig,
the Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown Community Council embarked on a three year planning and fund-raising project to
repair and upgrade the most important paths in this local rural network.
An initial survey and outline report was produced for discussion. From this information it was decided that
most of the work was beyond the capability of volunteers and that a formal survey would have to take place with a
view to having contractors appointed to carry out the improvements. Following the formal survey and preparation of
a detailed specification of requirements and with funding secured from Awards for All and the
West Lothian LEADER Programme, a local contractor was appointed and the work was completed in October 2010.
The only path suitable for volunteers to work on, the Threemiletown to Philpstoun path, was overhauled in
2009 by a team from the Community Council and more work will take place on an ongoing process during 2010 and beyond.
Whilst the paths have been cleared and will mostly be self-maintained through increased use, any extra maintenance
required will be carried out by members of the Community Council.
Whether you are a resident or a visitor to the area, we trust that you will enjoy these historic and wonderful local
walks for many years to come. |
| The paths in this project: |
1 | LW135 & 136 |
| Uphall to Binny Craig - Length Approx. 3km |
2 | LW138 & 139 |
| Longmuir to Ecclesmachan - Length Approx. 4km |
3 | LW185 |
| Threemiletown to Philpstoun - Length Approx. 1.5km |
Date | Subject |
15 August 2010. | Open Evening |
Oatridge College and the Community Council would like to invite local residents to an open evening hosted
by Oatridge College.
This event will focus on strengthening the partnership between the college and local residents in an effort to work
together to improve our relationship and lessen any impact that the college has on the area. The Community Council
recently applied for, and were successful in obtaining, a grant to pay for a feasibility study into viable ideas
that are put forward from this initiative. Some outline areas have been discussed but it was felt that as many
people from the area as possible should be involved with the process. Here are some of the things that could be
· Local traffic
· Parking in the village
· Community Orchard
· Village in bloom
· Upgrading the Playpark
· Possibility of access to funding to help upgrade the village hall
· Preferential access to College resources
From the ideas put forward at this event, a questionnaire will be prepared and presented to every resident in the area
to establish the most popular potential projects. The completed questionnaires will then be used to investigate
feasibility and available sources of funding to secure as many projects as possible.
Date | Subject |
28 March 2010. | Shale Villages |
The Community Council would like extend an open invitation to an information evening about the Shale
Villages Project presented by John Holt, the Shale Villages Project Officer. This event will take place at 7pm on
7th April 2010 in the Ecclesmachan Vilage Hall.
Date | Subject |
11 August 2009. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Council Newsletter |
The Community Council has just produced its latest newsletter. It covers Recent Proposed Boundary
changes, Elections for 2009, the Local Paths Project, Neighbourhood Watch Update, Cold Calling Control Zone Update,
New Theft Prevention Initiative from Lothian & Borders Police, Proposed Recycling Plant at Philpstoun South Bing and Updated
Events Information.
This newsletter, the fourth in the series, was printed in full colour and has just been hand-delivered to every household in
the area. You can download your own copy
here as a PDF format file.
Date | Subject |
11 April 2009. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Councils future secured |
Following proposed boundary changes where the Community Council's very existence was threatened,
a recent decision has seen a reprieve.
In a recent letter from West Lothian Council's Committee Services, the Community Council was informed that a proposal
had been made to align the Community Council boundaries and the Multi-member Council ward boundaries.
This in effect would have meant that Threemiletown would become part of the Linlithgow ward and the residents of
Threemiletown would only be eligible to join the Bridgend Community Council. In turn Ecclesmachan would then have
been a stand-alone area with only residents from Ecclesmachan being eligible to join the then named Ecclesmachan
Community Council. If this change had been implemented then the Ecclesmachan Community Council would have
instantly ceased to exist, as we would have needed at least 4 members to operate at all and there was only 3
members from Ecclesmachan.
Thankfully at a recent meeting of the Partnership and Resources PDSP (20th March 2009), it was confirmed that the
Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown was to be retained as one joint community council.
The Community Council would like to thank everyone who supported them in their cause... local residents,
elected members and other Community Councils.
Date | Subject |
18 Feb 2009. | Memorial Stones for Unmarked Graves |
Following research carried out by a local resident, Catherine Ferguson, it has been confirmed that
a total of 831 patients of Bangour Village Hospital, whose bodies were unclaimed, were buried in Ecclesmachan Cemetery (566),
Uphall Cemetery (191) and Loaninghill Cemetery (74) between 1904 and 1992. As a result of this research, West Lothian Council
have recently placed Memorial Stones in all three Cemeteries in memory of those people.
Click here to read Catherine's full report.
Date | Subject |
08 Jan 2009. | Ecclesmachan & Threemiletown Community Council - Proposed Boundary Changes |
In a recent letter from West Lothian Council's Committee Services, the Community Council has been
informed that a proposal has been made to align the Community Council Boundaries and the Multi-member Council Ward Boundaries.
This in effect would mean that Threemiletown would become part of the Linlithgow ward and the residents of Threemiletown
would be eligible to join the Bridgend Community Council only. In turn Ecclesmachan would then be a stand-alone area with
only residents from Ecclesmachan being eligible to join the then named Ecclesmachan Community Council.
This of course is of great concern as the household split is Threemiletown 75 households and Ecclesmachan 50 households.
Again of great concern is our current membership, which is 5 from Threemiletown (with 2 office bearers) and only 3 from
Ecclesmachan (again with 2 office bearers). If this change were to be implemented then the Ecclesmachan Community Council
would instantly cease to be able to exist, as we need at least 4 members to operate at all.
There is also the fact that most of our community groups are joint community groups taking members from both the villages
and using the village hall as their base - we have a long history of working together as a joint community.
We would like to ask for your support. Please write and object to this proposed change and request that the joint
Community Council is left to operate with its membership made up from both villages. Your comments should be sent as
soon as possible to:
Lorraine McGrorty, Committee Services, West Lothian Council, Almondvale Boulevard,
Livingston, EH54 6QG.
Date | Subject |
02 August 2006. | Oatridge Agricultural College Expansion? |
It has recently been brought to our attention that Oatridge Agricultural College has made
two further planning applications to West Lothian Council.
1) Outline planning permission for the erection of two houses for agricultural workers.
2) Outline planning permission for the erection of agricultural buildings.
You can view the full planning documents for each proposal by using the following link:
In the street name box enter Ecclesmachan then click Search
OR In the Application box enter:
0813 for the erection of two houses for agricultural workers then click Search
0814 for the erection of agricultural buildings then click Search
As before we urge you to stop development by stealth, you can object to these applications by writing to:
Wendy McCorriston
Development and Building Control
County Buildings
EH49 7EZ
Date | Subject |
21 July 2006. | Oatridge Agricultural College Expansion Funding |
It has recently been brought to our attention that Oatridge Agricultural College have sold
land at West Binny to Walker Homes who in turn have applied for planning permission for the
Erection of 20 houses with associated garaging, landscaping and roads.
Oatridge Agricultural College have also applied for planning permission (apparently also to raise funds) for
the following further developments within the parish:
1) Outline planning permission for the conversion of existing steading and extension to steading to form seven
houses and separate parking courtyard and garages at Oatridge Farm.
2) Outline planning permission for the formation of two house plots with shared vehicle access at West Binny.
You can view the full planning documents for each proposal by using the following link:
In the street name box enter Ecclesmachan then click Search
OR In the Application box enter:
0639 for the 20 house development at West Binny then click Search
0734 for the development at Oatridge Farm then click Search
0735 for the 2 new house plots at West Binny then click Search
If you are concerned about these proposals we would also suggest that you seek and consult a copy of the
"Finalised West Lothian Local Plan 2005".This wiro-bound document, along with it's plans, clearly shows
that in the case of the first two proposed developments above "An area of Great Landscape Value
(Policy ENV19-20)." applies.
Policy ENV19 states "Within the six AGLV shown on the proposals map there is a presumption against
development which would undermine the landscape and visual qualities for which these areas were designated.
Policy ENV20 states "Development proposals outwith an AGVL which would affect its setting from
important viewpoints will be subject to detailed visual appraisal and will not be supported if it adversely affects the
designated area.
This document also defines "An area of Great Landscape Value" as being "An area
designated by a local authority in development plans as being of special landscape character requiring special protection
against innappropriate forms of development. The requirement to designate AGVLs is set out in circular 2/1962."
We urge you to stop development by stealth, you can object to these applications by writing to:
Wendy McCorriston
Development and Building Control
County Buildings
EH49 7EZ
Date | Subject |
01 May 2006. | Road Traffic and Safety |
The special meeting held in the Ecclesmachan Village Hall at 7:30pm on Wednesday 5th April 2006
was very well attended.
Mr Jim Reid, Team Leader for West Lothian Council's Road Safety & Traffic Management department and Sergeant
Dave Wilson from Lothian & Borders Police presented their future plans for road traffic management and
improvements for this stretch of road & policies for policing. This was followed by a lively question and
answer session. Draft minutes of the meeting can be viewed here using this link.
Date | Subject |
14 March 2006. | Road Traffic and Safety |
Following many complaints from local residents regarding the high incidence of road traffic
accidents and speeding on the roads through the villages, the Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown Community Council
has organised a special meeting at the Ecclesmachan Village Hall at 7:30pm on Wednesday 5th April 2006.
The Community Council has invited Mr Jim Reid, Team Leader for West Lothian Council's Road Safety & Traffic
Management department and a representative from Lothians & Borders Police to present their future plans for
road traffic management and improvements for this stretch of road.
Anyone who has concerns over this issue should bookmark this date in their diary, come along to listen and
perhaps add their own input to this. An information pack outlining the issues and progress to date will be
circulated round the area prior to the meeting. Copies will also be available in the Broxburn Library.
Date | Subject |
30 September 2004. | Music News. |
A new CD, recorded by a local music group, The Faucheldean Players
was recently released. The CD was recorded and produced in aid of the Macmillan Cancer Relief charity.
The recording of this CD took place in the Ecclesmachan Village Hall over the Easter Holiday period
earlier this year. It took some three days to record and the Village Hall was a nice quiet location
for this - except for the clock!. The clock had to be carefully removed for every recording session...
(click here to see a picture of the
noisy wee clock being removed).
The CD features a selection from the trio’s easy-listening repertoire and is priced at £10.
For more information, visit The Faucheldean Players website at
Date | Subject |
12 August 2004. | Road Closed Again. |
The main road through the village was closed again today from about 10:30pm until 1:00am.
Yet another old tree had dropped a large branch across the road - right in front of one lucky motorist
who escaped with only minor damage to the front of his car.
Click here to a picture of the offending tree.
The police were on the scene quickly and closed the road whilst West Lothian Council workers cleared the
branches away. The unusual thing about this incident is that there was not a breath of wind - but in
view of all the rain and damp fog here recently, we can only assume the weight of the branch had
increased significantly from absorption, causing it to break away.
Date | Subject |
10 July 2003. | Television Services |
As local residents are well aware, the terrestrial television signal in Ecclesmachan for most is very
poor. This is due to the terrain between the village and the nearest transmitters (Blackhill and Craigkelly), and means
a high gain aerial, mounted high with a masthead amplifier is recommended. Even then, most people cannot receive Channel 5
at all, and the winter signal for Channel 3 and Channel 4 is very poor.
Cable TV is not available (despite a main fibre optic cable running through the village, feeding cable TV and Telephone
services to other towns in the area). Recent information from Telewest confirms they have no plans to provide a
service in the area here. The only other option open to this area is Digital Satellite viewing, this until recently
could provide BBC1, BBC2, Ch3, Ch4 and Ch5 as well as many others on a "Free To View" (FTV) system via a Sky installation
and being in possession of a FTV card. One also has the option of subscribing to a Sky package of varying levels.
From today BBC will commence broadcasting all BBC digital channels from a different satellite, without encryption -
called "Free To Air" (FTA). This signal will be available on a Sky receiver and also on a new set-top FTA receiver
without needing a viewing card. That was the good news...
Now for the bad news... As the BBC funded the FTV card system and they no longer need to provide the service, it has
been withdrawn. Co-incidentally Sky are in the process of updating their encryption codes and are issuing new cards to
all their Subscription customers. When the new encryption is switched on, all old cards (including all FTV cards)
will cease to function, so all current FTV Sky receivers will only be able to allow viewing of BBC FTA signals. If you
wish to continue viewing Ch3, Ch4, Ch5 and the handful of other previous FTV channels by Digital Satellite, you will have
to subscribe to a monthly fee service from Sky. The cheapest subscription available at this time is £150.00 a year
(£12.50 a month).
Date | Subject |
15 June 2003. | What was that smell? |
Wow, Phew, not again...
It was discovered today that the sewage drain between Ecclesmachan village and the pumping station to the Uphall
treatment plant was blocked up again. The blockage appears to have been there for several weeks and the effect on
the burn is obvious for all to see, raw sewage seeping straight into the burn and the green algae is now grey...
A Scottish Water representative said 'This happens frequently in this area, but this is a strange one
in a previously unaffected section of the pipe, it must have been blocked for ages. It could be from the village or even Oatridge
College - we have had so many problems with grease, condoms and sanitary towels in the drains and they just can't handle it".
We could conjecture that this problem was reactive and not preventative, which is probably the case for many Scottish
Water problems in the region, both in supply and disposal... but then what do we know? We are only the consumers paying
(dearly) for the service... Please post your concerns to Scottish Water direct - not here - You can call them direct
on 0845-7420420.
Date | Subject |
25 May 2003. | Great Loss to the Ecclesmachan Community |
It it with great regret we have to report the passing away of Matt McKendrick (82).
As a prime mover of the Ecclesmachan Leisure Group and one of the "keepers of the village hall" he will be
sadly missed by the local community and our thoughts go out to family and friends alike.
Matt, you will be missed I know,
And for many, what a blow,
A person you couldn't find kinder,
Everyone's wish for reminder.
A man with humour and also a mission,
So much he gave, so little he wanted,
His stories told with such passion,
Yet never once he flaunted.
We ALL think of you now,
We will ALL think of you then,
Matt, as we all take a bow,
Remember, We'll see you again.
Date | Subject |
16 May 2003. | New Hospital at Binny House |
After lying empty since February 2002, the former Sue Ryder Care Home at
Binny House is about to become Scotland's first dedicated hospital for young people suffering
from bulimia and anorexia.
The Huntercombe Edinburgh Hospital will be run by Four Seasons Health Care and will open on
24 June 2003. It will provide 22 beds for 11 to 25 year-olds with acute bulilia and anorexia,
eliminating the need for patients to travel to England for treatment. The new facility is
expected to employ around 50 people and will provide access to a variety of therapies, activities
and educational resources.
Date | Subject |
10 Oct. 2002. | Fire at Oatridge |
Early in the evening, Police and five units from local Fire Stations attended
a fire at Oatridge Farm, part of Oatridge Agricultural College. The recently filled hay shed was
a blazing inferno, and the entire structure with its contents of over 3,000 bales of straw, were
lost to the fire. Fortunately, thanks to the prompt response and skilful management of the Fire
Brigade and farm staff, the blaze was contained to this one building (despite the close proximity
of further storage sheds and a horse stable).
A Police spokesman later said: "Three youths have been detained, interviewed and charged with willful
fire-raising and a report has been sent to the Children's Panel."
Click here to see pictures of the blaze.
Date | Subject |
30 July 2002. | Floods |
The local residents and passing motorists were today reminded of the fact
that flash floods were becoming a more frequent feature of the weather pattern. With over 24 hours
of localised thunder, lightning and torrential rain, the drainage system just could not cope.
With over two feet of water on main road at East Binny, it all but closed for a good part of
the day. The electricity, of course, was off all day and not restored until 6am the following
morning. The normally sedate Ecclesmachan Burn became a raging torrent, rapidly flooding the
fields in the valley to the east of the village. Take a look at our
Pictures page, where
"before and after" type pictures of the Ecclesmachan Burn are available to view.
Date | Subject |
29 May 2002. | Footpath Improvements |
The Community Council, in partnership with the Oatridge Agricultural College,
has secured funding for much needed improvements to the public footpath to Binnie Crag. These
improvements were designed and agreed by both parties several months ago. The work itself is being
integrated into a certificated class course, thus giving the students at the college a practical
and interesting project to complete.
The improvements which include: Construction of a boardwalk over a waterlogged area, trimming
vegetation, resetting steps which are off level, installing cross drains over the steps, widening
the path at the top of the steps and installation of markers at the top section will ensure that
people using the path will find it much more enjoyable and safer.
Date | Subject |
15 April 2002. | Binny Stables Conversion |
The recent conversion work at Binny Stables has been completed. The old
stable block has been carefully renovated to create four luxury homes which went on the
market recently.
Click here
to see a picture of the building which was taken during the renovation work.
Date | Subject |
6 March 2002. | Community Council AGM |
The Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown Community Council has set the date for
it's AGM. This meeting will be held in the village hall at 7:30pm on Wednesday 1st May 2002, it
is hoped that some of the local community will attend.
Date | Subject |
4 March 2002. | Sue Ryder Care Close Home |
Unfortunately the care centre has now closed (Feb 2002),
the charity claiming lack of funds to operate further.
Date | Subject |
22 Feb. 2002 | West Lothian Draft Local Plan. |
A public workshop is being held on Tuesday 26 February 2002 (from 7pm - 9pm) at
Winchburgh Primary School. The aim of this 'workshop' is to give people the opportunity to discuss
the contents of the West Lothian Local Plan, the focus of this particular meeting being the areas
Ecclesmachan, Threemiletown, Winchburgh and Broxburn. The plan referred to covers housing, transport,
road structure and new schools.
There is also a meeting on Tuesday 5 March (from 7pm - 9pm) at Uphall Primary School. The focus
of this meeting being stated as Uphall, Uphall Station and Pumpherston. This meeting however, has
possibly more interest to the Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown residents than the Winchburgh meeting,
as the proposed developments are closer and have great implications on road traffic through the villages.
Date | Subject |
8 Nov. 2001 | Sue Ryder Care Decide to Close Home |
Sue Ryder Care announced it is to close Binny House, despite West Lothian and
Edinburgh City Councils offering £400,000 of funding to keep it open. The future of the 24 patients
is uncertain.
Date | Subject |
3 Oct. 2001 | Community Council |
The Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown Community Council was re-established at its
inaugural meeting in the village hall. The new council had four nominated members and a fifth was
co-opted onto the council during the meeting.
Date | Subject |
5 Sept. 2001 | Sue Ryder Care Home Faces Closure |
Sue Ryder Care announced its intention to close Binny House at Ecclesmachan if
it cannot secure extra funding of £500,000 per year. Sue Ryder Care has already closed one centre in
Suffolk and earmarked both Binny House and another centre in Berwickshire for future closure.
The charity blamed "increased nursing costs, insufficient statutory funding and staff recruitment
problems for this decision". There is also the additional problem of expensive renovation works due
to the 'Care Standards Act', which was introduced in April 2001 and requires major investment in
the home to meet compliance.
Date | Subject |
19 July 2001 | Traffic Calming |
Phase one of the new road marking and signage project started in Ecclesmachan
village. Phase one will comprise:
- Remarking B8046 with an area of central hatching and a right turn Lane into Byburn.
- Remarking give way markings at junction adjacent to church.
- Erection of illuminated staggered junction warning signs on both approaches to this location.
- Trimming of foliage at existing speed limit signs and over the east side footpath.
- Marking a new 30mph speed limit roundel at the start of the limit from the north.
Phase two, which is the construction of a central island in the vicinity of the bus stop / entrance
to Byburn, will be installed at an 'early date'.
Date | Subject |
26 June 2001 | Road Accident |
A lorry driver had a narrow escape today. After swerving to avoid an articulated
vehicle coming over the bridge in the village, his vehicle (a tipper lorry with a full load) burst
through the crash railings on the east side of the road. The lorry hurtled down the embankment,
felling trees on the way, and came to rest against a large old lime tree at the bottom of the gully.
The driver was helped out of his cabin with only his pride hurt and a few minor bruises! The road
had to be closed for several hours whilst special lifting equipment struggled to extract the lorry
from the roadside gully. After its removal West Lothian Council decided to fell the damaged lime tree.
Click here to see a slide show of 5 pictures of
the recovery process. Note that each picture will take about 20-30 seconds to load and that each
picture in the sequence will download automatically.
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West Lothian Ecclesmachan and Threemiletown Community Council
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