Sue Ryder Care at Binny House
The late Sue Ryder founded this charity in 1953 as the Sue Ryder Foundation (recently re-named
as Sue Ryder Care). Sue Ryder served with the Polish section of the Special Operations
Executive during the Second World War, after which she dedicated her life to helping the sick,
homeless and destitute. The charity now runs over 500 charity shops in the UK and in the region
of 80 care centres world-wide for the sick and disabled and has the help of 24,000 volunteers.
The Creation of a Care Centre.
The Binny Estate was bequeathed to the charity by the late Mrs. Lang who was a friend and
supporter of Sue Ryder. Work then commenced to convert Binny House into a care centre with
residential capabilities, this conversion was completed in 1987 and Binny House started to
operate as a Sue Ryder Home. The care centre had a dedicated team of staff and volunteers to care
for people from the surrounding community requiring specialised long-term and respite residential
care. There was about 28 places for people aged 16 to 65 with neurological disorders
and those requiring cancer care.
The Future?
Unfortunately the care centre has now closed (Feb 2002), the charity claiming lack of funds
to operate further. If you would like to visit the Sure Ryder Care
website at then click
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